Eye examinations are currently available Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. Our contact lens clinic is on a Friday.
Eye examinations are currently available Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. Our contact lens clinic is on a Friday.
22nd September 2020
It’s National Eye Health Week which has been created to remind everyone just how important it is to look after your eyes.
Sight is the sense that people often regard as the most important as it offers a sense of independence and freedom. There are many simple things you can do to promote healthy vision and ensure your eyes remain in good working condition.
There are approximately 2 million people in the UK living with sight loss that is significant enough to impact their daily lives. Yet around half of this sight loss could be avoidable through the right diagnosis and treatment.
At Blankstone Opticians, we have lots of top tips and advice on eye health. Age, lifestyle choices and medical history can have an impact on your vision. It’s important to understand what can affect your eye health and what you can do to prevent it.
It’s true that most eye conditions can be treated effectively if detected early, so knowing what symptoms to look out for can be incredibly important.
We encourage all of our customers and the general public regardless of age, to have regular eye exams just so you’re giving your eyes the best possible chance of remaining healthy and in good working condition. During a routine eye examination, we can detect early signs of conditions such as glaucoma, diabetes and high blood pressure.
Lifestyle can impact your vision. Smoking, excessive alcohol and a poor diet can all increase your risk of eye health problems.
We’re always on hand to help you maximise your vision, as well as highlighting the importance of eye health care. Find out more via our website plus you can book an eye exam by calling 0151 236 5392 or clicking here.